What do I mean by a big breakthrough of consciousness?

Perhaps you’ve had a profound spiritual experience, psychedelic journey, paradigm-smashing mind-shift, extraordinary dream, life-force awakening, spontaneous healing or reality-changing retreat.

These experiences can be wonderful and sometimes challenging to live with. You may wonder how to connect the profound experience with your everyday reality and how to continue to grow with your new insights.

A big breakthrough of consciousness only leads to lasting, tangible change when you can integrate it Into your daily life. Integration helps people bring positive insights, feelings and teachings from the breakthrough experience into their daily lives so they can create tangible, lasting transformation of perception, habit and ways of being.

Our culture mostly denies or minimizes these experiences, so integration can be challenging to do on your own.

I offer deep integration and on-going support, personalized 1:1 and group programs, classes and a rich array of mind-body- energy healing resources to support you.

After a big breakthrough of consciousness you may feel:

  • Uncertainty in how to bring the teachings, feeling and meaning of the experience into your daily life.

  • A sense of discordance between the expanded sense of reality you had and the everyday “consensus reality” most of us live in. You may wonder how to honor the value of both realities.

  • Unfamiliar energies, emotions, ideas, perceptions or body sensations.

  • The positive aspects of your experience slipping away in the busyness and responsibilities of everyday life.

  • Loneliness or isolation because others around you - maybe even your loved ones, therapist, clergy person or spiritual advisor - may not have an understanding of these states.

  • Concern that people will think you are weird … or even unstable.

  • Unable to describe, explain or understand these experiences that may seem beyond words.

  • Conflicting fear of letting go of this profound experience, as well as fear of trusting and embracing it.

  • Wondering what would have to change in your life if you actually believe the experience is true.

All of these feelings are very natural and normal for people who have experienced a big breakthrough in consciousness.

Notice these and any other conflicting fears and doubts with deep kindness. Thank them for trying to help you be safe.

And, don’t let these feelings shut down the real and powerful growth that is asking for room in your life.

I'm here to support you in this process.

At 16, I fall into a river and am swept downstream. 

Instantly my perspective shifts. Watching as if from the treetops high above,
I observe my little body bouncing from rock to rock way down below.

Shhhh… whoosh… Breeze and breath move together. I’m filled with a deep. spacious sense of peace, calm and quiet.

Then suddenly my body clamors on shore and Bam! My mind is back in my physical body shaking and panting.

What has happened? How can this be? What does this mean about the reality I thought I knew?  

At the time these questions were unanswerable to me.  Although I rarely spoke of this to others I knew it was real.

This and many other beyond-the-ordinary states filled me with the deep mysterious knowing that We Are More - more than our physical bodies and far more more than our daily reality. This began my ardent - and for years, mostly underground - exploration of  heightened states of awareness.  

In my early 30s, while I was in grad school for psychology and busily, happily caring for three young daughters, I had a serious immune system crash.  I was trying to reach my dreams the way I thought I was supposed to - pushing-striving-overriding my body-pushing more - until I crashed. 

That crash turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me. It reawakened my deep longing to align with the knowing that We Are More.  

I resolved to find a new way to live that was in tune with the brilliance of my body and my soul and the expanded inner powers of healing, creativity and wisdom that are available to us all. 

 From remarkable energy healers and master teachers I began to learn a new way of BEing with challenges. Each time when I dropped resistance and struggle and became more loving, responsive, curious and playful the obstacles and difficulties began to shift - as if by magic! 

I learned ways of shifting from everyday thinking mind into a deeper, more expansive intelligence and knowing that brought wisdom, guidance and healing to all challenges and opened me up to new possibilities of living and being. 

That journey allowed me to create a 25-year career in holistic wellness in which I guided people of all ages and walks of life to activate their extraordinary inner powers for healing and transformation.

I served in positions including mind-body therapist, hospital employee wellness coordinator and international yoga therapy program director.

Today I love offering simple, fun, life-changing tools to empower people who've had a big breakthrough of consciousness. These tools come from my background in psychology, yoga, Qi Gong, mind-body healing, energy medicine and practical spirituality. This allows my clients to evolve into their next levels of inner peace, meaning, soulful success, impact, presence and joy.

These are extraordinarily challenging times on our planet.  

To meet the extreme challenges of our times we must become more than we - or any humans - have ever been before. Just as your individual challenges call you to grow more fully into your highest self - so we are now collectively called. 

Breakthroughs of consciousness open wide the doorways in our hearts and minds.  By integrating these experiences into our everyday reality we change our lives - and we help to change our world. 

We each have the opportunity to access expanded ways of seeing and being so that, individually and as a human family, we can expand beyond ordinary thinking. This is how we discover more creative solutions, new perspectives, deeper compassion and more meaningful connections so that we can create a brighter future for ourselves- and for all beings.

If you’re committed to integrating your breakthrough and allowing it to transform your world, welcome!

I’m so glad you’re here. It’s an honor to be on this journey with you.

Want to learn more about how my work can support you? Click to email me. 

I can’t wait to connect and to hear more about you and your breakthrough experience!  

Believing in You,

Here’s how I became a
Transformational Coach & Integration Guide:

7 Strategies to Integrate Big Breakthroughs of Consciousness into Your Daily Life

Embrace Your Breakthrough Without Losing Your Marbles!

    As Seen In