Raves & Client Appreciation

“You are truly one-in-a-million rare! All the wisdom & love you bring, and the light you impart to others, teaching us how to create our own light! Imagine! The gift that keeps on giving. Thank you, thank you again!”

— Joan Linse, artist, entrepreneur

"Working with Lea has been one of the greatest gifts of my life. So much of my true self erupted that I'd not known in that way before.

Lea is a force of Love and power that knows exactly how to unearth that which is sacred to you--that which will move you forward. She has a powerful knowledge base of everything deeply transformative and restorative, employing rich allegory, and navigating the undercurrents of dream work, and my favorite, the release and instructiveness of play.

Lea helped me to dive deeper into my love for myself and my gifts to bring the world, and I am forever different. She is the real thing, and I am so incredibly grateful for her deep, dynamic healing."

Brooke Meservy, www.bloomtopia.org Pianist, Spiritual Coach, Writer

"Since working with Lea all areas of my life have improved: my marriage, self, mothering, work- everything is better now.
I have much less anxiety and am more optimistic, confident and in charge of my life direction and my emotions."
—C.R. realtor

Lea has always been the person I know who focused most on how to integrate physical, mental, and spiritual wellness in her own life, and on helping others do the same. Lea is smart, empathetic, and a careful listener.
Without making me feel bad about any of my complaints, she put together a program for me. Over our sessions, she gave me small-to-medium-sized suggestions, techniques, exercises, and ways of thinking. It was a mix of practical physical stuff, and ways to think about how long-term frustrations in the rest of my life might be affecting my body and well-being.
For many months now, my new morning routine of light exercises has made me
stronger, more flexible, and has given me better balance. Just as important, it leaves me calmer, better able to face the demands of the day. I have more enthusiasm for what life holds in my remaining years. I have a few techniques for better dealing with the tough spots in the day, and my family has noticed. I’m grateful to Lea for the help.”
—Steve Doubleday, software architect

“People listen to Lea because she is a living example of practicing what you preach. Her presentations are rich with her energy, humor and caring. She helps participants have hope and know they have the power to make a difference. Her stories are meaningful and imaginative and her meditations are refreshing and energizing. Lea’s deep caring always comes through.
— Deidre Greene, M.S., ANP, Samaritan Health Services

You empowered us to take care of ourselves without guilt and made us smile, laugh and sing! I have had a lot of positive feedback from the women who attended.”
— Barbara Mullins, steering committee member of Women Investing in Samaritan Health

Lea presented at our annual Imagery International conference several years ago. Her workshop was so well received she was asked to present the following year as well. She has an extensive knowledge in holistic health and mind/body wellness. She is well versed in personal growth and draws from many aspects of psychology, somatics, integrative medicine. She is dynamic, engaging and evokes audience participation. Her presentations are educational, practical and experiential. She is inspiring and transformational!”
— Susan Ezra, RN, HNC, Board President of Imagery international

  • “When I met Lea, I knew this was just what I needed — someone to coach me through the deep sand that I was trudging through. I often questioned myself, “ Where had my passion gone, what was my passion, was the passion still in me?”. I just thought this was perhaps what life was like as one grew older. I felt a lot of anxiety and frustration with how to deal with the stress I felt at work, with a personal business, and home life in general. I guess one could say that I was waiting for a change to happen to me, rather than taking steps to make it happen. Then I met Lea. Now, I am much more aware of who I am and the special gifts that have been given to me. With this awareness has come a better work environment and home life! I have found that deep respect and love for myself and am moving forward with purpose. I am so thankful and blessed for Lea’s coaching.”

    — Sheila

    “Prior to Lea’s coaching, I would always play the “victim”, poor me. Now, I do not allow myself to feel as a victim, I have the weapons for a defense of what I was created to accomplish on earth. I’ve always been a Heart Thinker — however it was Lea’s excellent coaching who helped realize how value, rewarding, transforming it is to be a Heart Thinker and Warrioress. If you are someone looking for a true and amazing transformation, Lea is the one who will take you through the steps. With the worldly ways, I lost myself, I didn’t know who I once was; with Lea’s guidance I have found my true self again. I’m no longer a pioneer searching, I am one of Lea’s Heart Warrioresses. Lea has the wisdom, intellect, and spiritual leadership so sorely needed today. I highly recommend the time invested for your own unique journey, a very wise investment. ”

    — Linda

    “I have been feeling GREAT! We are super busy at the office and this is my best year yet! My smile is real!!! I am more patient, understanding, listen, calm and just feeling like I am becoming the business woman I have always wanted to be. My stress meter is so down it is incredible. ”

    — Dawn

    “I just wanted to say thank you so much for all your amazing, loving guidance and support over the last few months. I have become so much more in tune with myself and I can feel myself becoming the person I want to be.

    I am feeling a new sense of relief that my life has a new beginning that I did not realize was needed, I am ready for this new path, lovingly taking care of ME. You dear friend, mentor & teacher have woken up the Beautiful Me!! 1st time in my life I understand what it feels like to have true autonomy.

    Love your faith in me and your attention, you are priceless. You are helping me unfold layers of myself I had no idea were there.

    Lea, Again thank you so much for helping me realize the greatness in my life. You are a blessing.”

    — Barbara

  • “You are a conduit for a sacred healing path lost to so many in our society. The movements, the imagery, the resources you suggest, and the warmth and wisdom you bring to each gathering have melded to heal me in ways I didn’t even realize needed healing.”

    — Amy Buccolo, nurse, teacher, spiritual guide

    “Thank you so much for a beautiful, replenishing weekend. I keep thinking back to all the beauty that was created there and am, once again, filled with peace and goodness.”

    — Julia Fehrenbacher, artist, poet, teacher

    “Lea creates amazing experiences, so profoundly beautiful, nurturing, and healing. Each time, I am inspired and feel more alive in my body as well as in tune with my soul.”

    — C. Roberts

    “I wanted to write this morning to extend my thanks once again for such a beautiful experience. I truly felt supported, enriched, rejuvenated and guided. Your generosity and wisdom have helped me reconnect with essential feminine aspects of myself. ”

    — Chris Neely, artist

    “Lea’s presence and kindness create a soft landing place for the soul. The weekend retreat was customized for our specific needs as a group, and yet as a teacher she always held this intention with integrity. Each experience with Lea is an opening to something deeper that wants to emerge from all of us: nothing less than a healing of ourselves individually and the planet as a whole.

    The quality of workshops Lea offers is exceptional. She is incredibly generous with her time, teachings, energy and presence as she holds a container of safety and support and artfully weaves together many elements. She is a true healer and over-delivers every time.”

    — Susan Grace Beekman, master coach, facilitator, spiritual director

    “The first time I met Lea, I knew I had met a deeply spiritual and loving person. She exudes goodness and grace and playfulness. She has a gift for putting people at ease and shining her light on you in a way that allows your light to shine brighter.

    While at a recent retreat of hers, at her beautiful home at Dreaming Forest Farm, I was invited to BE fully, all of who I am; to play, to dance, to share, to sink deep within myself. She seemed to know what I needed even before I knew. I felt held and safe in her presence.
    Lea holds space with a rare power- a tender power that gives me room to be seen as i am and encourages me to grow into more of myself.

    I left the retreat refreshed and replenished—a fuller, freer person, with more of me to give.”

    — Julia Fehrenbacher, poet,author, teacher

    “Since working with Lea I have experienced for the first time vivid creative images rising up inside me. After our class last week, as I was driving home a compelling image came up for me. I went home and painted it and ended up painting all day long. I have never done that before and it felt wonderful. Something magical in me It is like something in me is being freed up and awakened and activated.”

    — Cindy G.

    “This has been a wonderful retreat! Full of insight, laughter, sharing, tears and peacefulness.”

    — Linda Audrain

    “Your style and method of honoring spirit & soul is so unique that you are truly one-in-a-million rare! All the wisdom & love you bring, and the light you impart to others, teaching us how to create our own light! Imagine! The gift that keeps on giving. Thank you, thank you again! ”

    — Joan Linse, artist, entrepreneur

    “Lea, Thank you so much for a beautiful retreat. Your guidance and the company of women were so up-lifting. I am still smiling with the memories of dancing, laughing, crying, sharing, and expanding. You do take us on wonderful adventures of the mind and spirit. I am looking forward to more.”

    — Rebecca Hayes

  • “We had a women LEAD gathering for OSU female athletes. LEAD stands for Limitless, Empowered, Authentic and Distinguished. How do I remember those words? Lea had all of us stand and repeat them with movement for several minutes. What a brilliant way to engage the young women and the business leaders in attendance. Not only does Lea have an amazing ability to grab the attention of everyone in the room, but she also can alter her speeches to directly impact those in the audience and she offered the gift of take home notes. Having Lea as a keynote speaker was motivational and rewarding for everyone in attendance.”

    — Linda Van Powell, President, Civic Outreach, Inc.

    “You are a wonderful speaker! Your talk was very interesting; I learned so much. Thank you.”

    — Tanja Pejovic, Ph.D., M.D., Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon

    “People listen to Lea because she is a living example of practicing what you preach. Her presentations are rich with her energy, humor and caring. We know we can count on Lea for fresh new ideas and suggestions for practical things to work on. She helps participants have hope and know they have the power to make a difference. Her stories are meaningful and imaginative and her meditations are refreshing and energizing. Lea’s deep caring always comes through.”

    — Deidre Greene, M.S., ANP, Samaritan Health Services

    “Thank you so much for the presentation you made at the WISH Luncheon, everyone really enjoyed your talk. You empowered us to take care of ourselves without guilt and made us smile, laugh and sing! I have had a lot of positive feedback from the women who attended.”

    — Barbara Mullins, steering committee member of Women Investing in Samaritan Health

    “Lea presented at our annual Imagery International conference several years ago. Her workshop was so well received she was asked to present the following year as well. She has an extensive knowledge in holistic health and mind/body wellness. She is well versed in personal growth and draws from many aspects of psychology, somatics, integrative medicine.
    She is dynamic, engaging and evokes audience participation. Her presentations are educational, practical and experiential. She is inspiring and transformational!”

    — Susan Ezra, RN, HNC, Board President of Imagery international

    “You are truly one-in-a-million rare! All the wisdom & love you bring, and the light you impart to others, teaching us how to create our own light! Imagine! The gift that keeps on giving. Thank you, thank you again!”

    — Joan Linse, artist, entrepreneur

    “Lea, you’ve been so generous with your time, and you have enriched this organization in so many ways: through your conference presentations, the interviews you conducted with last year’s speakers, your creative ideas and expertise in promotion, and the warm energy and enthusiasm you bring to all you do. A million thanks!”

    — Susan Gold, MA, CH, Imagery International

    “I hold in my memory a lovely image of you talking at the annual meeting of the Ovarian Cancer Coalition. You are a marvelous speaker and I appreciate the energy and thought you put into your superb presentation. Thank you for adding such a fascinating dimension to our conference on ovarian cancer.”

    — Ann Werner, MA, MS, Conference Coordinator, Environmental and Health Activist

  • “I was in the circle with more than 20 women when Bethroot read your poem aloud to us and we all were blown away—captivated, delighted, rejoicing. Of course we all resonated. I asked that famous question: What was she on?

    Some of those lines, it felt to me, came from the same stream Wendell Berry got his Mad Farmer Liberation Front poem from—they’re that good.”

    — Dot Fisher Smith, poet, activist, teacher

    “I loved listening to your audio of Wild Wisdom. The choice of wording, holy pictures, the spaces that are even more palpable than the actual words... Damn, It was soooo compelling. Found myself leaning in... until I realized my face was almost touching my ipad screen.

    Wow...seldom does a voice made for radio have the capacity to also light up the silver screen.

    You got some serious skills woman - and your beauty shines both in and out!!! You roar the roar of the Wild One... You whisper the primal wisdom of the Ancient One. And joy just delights and shivers sheer radiance. Where you are, there’s an invitation... wild, wisdom and joy gather like kids to the sandbox…and the party’s in your backyard.”

    — Ken Plattner, hospice chaplain, mentor, writer, speaker

  • “Lea’s beautiful voice is like soft blanket and a warm friend, guiding me, helping me find some moments of much needed respite. My pains are eased and my heart is comforted.”

    — Linda Fire, artist and teacher

    “Thank you! What a beautiful meditation! Your voice and intonation are so good and soothing, that only when it was over, I realized there was no background music as usually and I didn’t miss it! It is complete the way it is!”

    — Bless you, Carmela

  • “Thank you, thank you, thank you. For ALL your work, for your love for people, for your commitment to humanity, for your service to the world.” — Martin Rutte, international speaker, consultant, author

    “Lea, you are an exquisite interviewer. Thank you so much for offering this series.”— Til

    “Yes, I was with you and will use your insights about co-creation and response-ability in my daily life. I didn’t hear the whole series but was greatly inspired by what I did hear. I loved the emphasis on hope and possibility within us, individually and collectively. I am also reminded to return to my former habit of daily meditation and writing and hope to do so. Again, thanks for the reminders, the hope, the inspiration, the courage, and the energy you put forward to help so many of us.”— Kendra

    “Heartfelt thanks and congratulations for a very special program.”— Gundi

    “I wanted to pass along huge compliments to you for your recent Co-Creating Heaven on Earth Tele-summit and I am exciting about receiving the upgraded package by this weekend.”— Bob

    “Thanks, Lea. It was wonderful — this was a deep gift. Beautiful job of facilitation.”— Carrie

    “I wanted to thank you for organizing this tele-seminar and for challenging your fear. When I think about why I don’t do certain things in my life, it always comes down to fearing the unknown. But when I let go of these thoughts, not identify with them and face my fear, a whole new world opens with new possibilities. So, thank you for facing your fear and going forward anyway - it reminded and inspired me to do the same in my life. I enjoyed hearing from all the different speakers you chose. They were all on their own individual paths but had the same vision for peace and cooperation for the planet we all share. I found this to be very refreshing and hopeful. ”— Lynda

    “Listening to you just now, feeling a lot of appreciation for what I have been tuning into and steeping in these 10 weeks of “ Creating Heaven on Earth”. I feel I benefitted on a personal level listening to each presenter’s unique work and contribution to this VISION.
    Energetically, I feel excitement and a big YES...that I can and Am internalizing this vision. And that I can be more conscious in bringing forth and activating that daily. Helpful to get so many ideas for practice and support to make inner shifts in myself...letting go of the old and reaffirming a new, very positive take on what is possible and also what already IS the case, if i just open to it.
    Just being able to listen to this deep, deep conversation and coming away with a vision and action plan makes Heaven on Earth seem so easy and doable. So, many many thanks, Lea, for this beautiful series... all your proactive hard work in getting this up and to so many via the internet. Isn’t it amazing!! We can all build on this.”
    — Lucy

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