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7 Strategies to Integrate Big Shifts of Consciousness into Your Daily Life
This report gives you simple, life-changing tools to begin to integrate the feelings, insights and perceptions from your breakthrough into daily life so that you can create lasting, tangible change.
Ever feel drained by the challenges
in your life and in our world?
What if you could instantly tap into your Calm Power - even in the midst of chaos?
Discover how to access your deepest inner strength, guidance and power with 30 SECOND CALM!
FIND YOUR CALM POWER and you become a force of healing and light in any situation - and the whole world benefits!
Do you ever feel spun out or depleted by stress -especially when you're taking on new challenges and going for your big dreams?
Learn to instantly turn the yucky buzz of stress chemicals into delicious energy you can use to get things done while you feel relaxed, energized and in-the-flow!
Get instant access to this unique stress-busting approach to transform stress into creative, productive energy.
Stop the Spin Cycle of Stress anywhere & anytime!
Stay Unstuck
7 Simple, Soulful Strategies to Integrate Your Psilocybin Journey into Daily Life
With Lea Bayles, MA, Holistic Life Coach, Integration Guide
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Wonder what it's like to mentor with Lea? Read a few words from her clients:
“I felt a lot of anxiety and frustration with how to deal with the stress I felt at work, with a personal business, and home life in general. I guess one could say that I was waiting for a change to happen to me, rather than taking steps to make it happen. Then I met Lea. Now, I am much more aware of who I am and the special gifts that have been given to me. With this awareness has come a better work environment and home life! I have found that deep respect and love for myself and am moving forward with purpose. I am so thankful and blessed for Lea’s coaching.”
“I just wanted to say thank you so much for all your amazing, loving guidance and support over the last few months. I have become so much more in tune with myself and I can feel myself becoming the person I want to be. You dear friend, mentor & teacher have woken up the Beautiful Me!! 1st time in my life I understand what it feels like to have true autonomy.”
“Love your faith in me and your attention, you are priceless. You are helping me unfold layers of myself I had no idea were there. Lea, Again thank you so much for helping me realize the greatness in my life. You are a blessing.”
“I have been feeling GREAT! We are super busy at the office and this is my best year yet! My smile is real!!! I am more patient, understanding, listen, calm and just feeling like I am becoming the business woman I have always wanted to be. My stress meter is so down it is incredible.”